Now an Official Trend Partner

In March 14, 2012
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Following recent meetings and discussions with Trend Controls Ltd we are proud to announce that from 14th March 2012 Siemsatec Ltd are now an official Trend Supplier as a Systems Integrator.

This will allow us to offer greater client support with access to a wide range of additional services in association with Trend Controls Ltd. These services range from bureau monitoring of your sites to remote energy monitoring and 24 hour call out facility.

If any of these services are of interest ot you please contact us for further information.

After training as an apprentice electrician in the early 1990’s, I moved away from electrical installations to become an engineer with Honeywell. This is where I discovered BMS and soon wanted to move into this area of the industry, leading me to look for a role where I could retrain to become a BMS engineer.

I started Siemsatec in 2004 with a view to assisting controls companies with their engineering requirements. The workload soon grew to a level where we had to expand to meet the increasing demand. My outlook for the business then changed from being a commissioning services company into striving to run a BMS company that has a friendly, approachable image for our clients.

In conjunction with running the business, I have a passion for life in the company of my family and friends with an enthusiasm for adventure.

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